Great post. Perhaps I missed an earlier post of yours, but were you at one time a church receptionist? Or is that just the name of the article series? Either way, keep going.

Not sure what it is about Western Christianity and arguing about subjects that aren't particularly important, but here we are (I write this as a Christian who lives in the West).

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Yeah, I’ve been working as the receptionist at my church (and its attached grade school and daycare) for the last six months. I’ve mentioned it on this blog once or twice—here (https://luketharrington.substack.com/p/is-this-me-giving-up-i-mean-maybe) and here (https://luketharrington.substack.com/p/on-exploding-furnaces-and-the-importance), for instance, but I think both of those went out before you started reading. :)

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Sweet, I'm gonna read these when I get a sec!

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